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How Showing Your Ads At The Right Time Can Double Your Site Visits

4 min read

In the past, you have seen how Anarock Tech helps you discover channels that drive maximum RoI i.e cost per site visit (CPSV). But the story doesn't end there. This RoI (CPSV) is affected by another crucial factor - 'when' exactly to spend your money. Which days and which hours of those days bring your campaign the maximum bang for the buck. Read along - we spill the beans. Knowing the timing when you should show your ads is extremely beneficial. Unlike offline marketing channels, online channels offer the flexibility to control when you show your ads. And if you can control your ad schedule accordingly, you can save crucial marketing dollars. You don't need to serve ad impressions when your business isn't receptive to new customers.

When Should You Show Your Ads

Picture this analogy. Imagine being a seller in a vegetable market. You know not to sell at 2 in the morning when there's no one around to buy. Pretty obvious, isn't it. But suppose you don't come to the market during rush hour. Or if your vegetable supply isn't enough to satiate the demand of rush-hour customers. Your business will tank. Other sellers who are better prepared will prosper. At your expense.

Similarly, as an astute marketer, you aren't just content with not showing ads from 11 pm-7 am when customers aren't online. You also want to know at what time and days you get the most customers. You want to know when exactly do buyers flock to the internet to buy your product. What that 'rush hour' for your business is. Once you are aware of this, you can dial up or down your marketing spends in line with that information. You can stop spending needlessly when your customers aren't around. And you can rev up your spending instantly when you see a flock of buyers. Once you start doing it, your RoI (CPSV) will boost like never before.

We crunched all the data from running digital marketing for over 300+ mandates. The following chart shows the relative distribution of leads hour-of-the-day and day-of-the-week wise.

Hour v/s Weekday analysis of leads received - knowing the best time to run ads - Anarock Technology

Anarock Technology solutions offer this analysis combining data from all online platforms, helping you understand what's the best time to run your ad.

Data from our platform shows customers are most active from Monday to Friday, 11 AM - 5 PM, then activity going up again from 8 PM - 11 PM and Sunday almost the whole day.

You could easily incorporate insights drawn from this data on your Google Adwords and FB Business Manager accounts to optimize your campaigns. Here's how -

Google Ad Schedule

For Google, choose your account and go to 'Ad Schedule' on the left panel. You can click on the edit button to add an ad schedule to any of your campaigns. For any existing schedule, you can individually manage the bid adjustment for that schedule as shown below.

Option to adjust your bids as per timings in Google Ad Schedule

Facebook Ad Schedule

For Facebook, go to the 'Campaign Budget Optimisation' section, and choose a lifetime budget for the campaign. Turn on 'Ad Scheduling' as shown below.

Turning on ad scheduling in Facebook

Once you're working on the ad set, go to the 'Budget & Schedule' section, click on 'Show More Options', and then alter ad scheduling as you see fit.

Ad Scheduling for Facebook Ads

At ANAROCK we have been able to incorporate these data insights across all our digital media to help our clients achieve better conversions.

ANAROCK Technologies offers a comprehensive suite of products to cover every stage of the sales cycle. You can get started with the trail of these products for free. Click here to know more.

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